Introducing the RazorSite Collection Editor
A customizable editor for modifying content on static websites.
In about a week BowTie is entering the next phase of testing and development: public beta. We’re incredibly thankful for the ongoing support and feedback we received during our private beta, and we’re excited to share what’s next.
We need a static revival
Let's help each other build a faster, leaner, and safer future.
Today we’re launching Static Revival, a resource to help developers build new static websites and apps. Static-revival.com is a directory of tools, plugins, static site generators, and news about the static web.
Keep it Static Stupid - Simple Sites Make Happy Clients
How to build faster, leaner, and safer websites without a database.
BowTie kicks off LaunchABQ
We're partnering with the City of Albuquerque to support startups.
Celebrate Denver on Digital Agency Day
Join BowTie in celebrating the best Digital Agencies in Denver.
There are some incredible agencies doing great work in the realm of digital marketing. On January 28th, HubSpot and Unbounce are producing a day of online presentation and community-run events. To celebrate Denver’s agencies and their hard work, BowTie is hosting Celebrate Denver - a happy hour and networking event at the end of Digital Agency Day.
Girls on the Run Fashion Show
Watch our CEO strut his stuff on the runway for a cause.
If you’ve ever wanted to see a tech startup CEO ditch the hoodie and jeans to walk the runway, now’s your chance. Our CEO Scott Maloney will be participating in raising awareness for Girls on the Run, a charity focused on positively influencing girls through after-school running programs.
Adobe Creative Jam selects Chad Person as judge
Join our co-Founder for a night of inspiring design in Albuquerque for the Adobe Creative Jam.
Elevated Soap Box - Featuring James Kassemi
Our CTO is joining other Albuquerque leaders to talk about tech and art initiatives in ABQ.
On Sunday, January 17th, you can catch co-Founder and CTO James Kassemi at an Elevated Soapbox event that touches on questions of career passion, community involvement, and our effects on the world around us.
Denver Jekyll Kickoff
Come join us for a night full of static enthusiasm.
With Jekyll being a pillar of our product, it’s no wonder BowTie teamed up with the Denver Jekyll Meetup group to sponsor and promote Denver’s static site scene. The year of events kicks off on Tuesday, January 12th, the BowTie team will be at Galvanize GT to dive into what makes Jekyll awesome.
RazorSite enters public beta
What to expect in the months to come.
In about a week BowTie is entering the next phase of testing and development: public beta. We’re incredibly thankful for the ongoing support and feedback we received during our private beta, and we’re excited to share what’s next.
Entrepreneurship - The New Marriage
Two of our founders were interviewed on Mike Kilcoyne's 'Embrace the Suck' podcast.
When starting your own company, you know it’s going to be hard. There are going to be highs, lows, in-betweens, and no sleep. Absolutely no sleep. Our CEO Scott Maloney and CMO Chad Person sat down and talked with Mike Kilcoyne, the Denver-based 20-something founder of Embrace the Suck, a podcast focusing on how important it is to accept the highs, but also the lows of entrepreneurship.
54 hours in Boulder and ABQ
BowTie backs Startup Weekend Team to Victory
BowTie was proud to sponsor and support two Startup Weekend events during Kauffman Foundation’s Global Entrepreneurship Week and GEW Startup Barttle 2015.
Partnering with Name.com to Hack the Dot
Do you Hack.social?
Hack the Dot is a two-hour hackathon backed by Name.com. The event is a unique mix of hacking, community building, and ridiculous fun.
Scott Maloney joins Founder F#ck Up panel
Join us Denver Startup Week to gain insight from other founders' mistakes.
Sometimes, the best way to learn something is to fall flat on your face in front of 500 people. If that’s true, next Wednesday’s ‘Founder F#ck Ups’ is sure to one of the most entertaining and insightful panels of Denver Startup Week.
BowTie Showcased at Denver Startup Week
Join us at the DenverBeta @ Denver Startup Week kickoff bash.
DenverBeta selected BowTie as one of 10 hot and upcoming startups for their showcase at Denver Startup Week. We’ll be pitching and showing off our pre-release static hosting tool kit at the DSW kickoff bash on Monday night. Be sure to stop by, grab a tattoo and cast your vote for us!
Why Every Company Needs A Bat Signal
Minimum Viable Product and Your Most Valuable Customer.
Today’s Startup Landscape is more exciting, innovative, and yet more volatile than ever. The market is literally birthing new companies and organizations from both the successes and ashes of the startups that have come before them.
BowTie is happier with Zapier
Test drive our invite-only Zapier integration and we’ll buy your lunch!
We just shipped a brand new integration to Zapier. Now you can connect your BowTie project to hundreds of other services and automate common tasks without writing a line of code.
Bootstrapped Brews is so close we can taste it.
Bottling and label design for a Startup homebrew.
We’re just a few weeks from our first Bootstrapped Brews competition, which means it’s time to bottle…
Is that your Wort I'm Smelling?
RazorSite enters Bootstrapped Brews Homebrew Contest.
This past weekend, team RazorSite got their hands dirty IRL.
Ship Your API as a Product
RazorSite enters private Beta
We’d like to thank the hundreds of people who helped us work through our closed MVP. That feedback has allowed up to ship a beta release we’re really proud of.
Announcing Springboard 2015
Ship to win tools, space, exposure and toys on Jan 31st!
Ready to ship your side project? Toss it on RazorSite for a chance to present at SXSWi, win hosting, co-working space, legal help and other amazing prizes. Springboard 2015 is open for registration.
Humble and Hungry
Internalizing these two simple ideas will keep you moving forward.
I have been grappling with describing the characteristics of a startup team or entrepreneur. Perhaps it is too many Fortune and TechCrunch articles all professing to have the top 10 “things” all startup founders need. Words and phrases often look like “self-starter,” “creative,” “customer focused,” “data-driven,” and on. I won’t put up much of a fight against how important these traits are, and the many others thrown out in popular publications and blogs. That said, I do believe that the inches these columns occupy are often at the expense of splitting the proverbial hairs of larger concepts such that new words and phrases can be printed. The end result is a collection of Nostradamus-esque claims as to how the new generation of entrepreneurs should think in order to assure success.
If All You See Are Toys, You Don't Understand Company Culture
Startup culture shouldn't be trivialized. Toys aren't Just fun and games.
We have all seen startups with full sized arcade games, climbing walls, a strong selection of craft beers, video games, free food, and at one company I was a part of… a full size conference room that was a ball pit. Why do we do this? It might be for a little variety, to thumb one’s nose at the buttoned up firms that came before, or possibly to provide a smile and relaxation for employees. What it isn’t however, is a company’s culture.
What is an MVP??
Avoid unnecessary struggle by focusing on the M in M.V.P.
What follows is a translation of the talk I gave BowTie’s Springboard* event into a blog-post. It’s a fast and loose translation that follows the talk kinda closely with additions where I feel fit. It is not a transcript but should follow the spirit of the talk well. You can find the my slides here: View Slides / Download PDF.
Entrepreneurs Are Mad…and That's Perfect
Why do entrepreneurs take their future success into their own hands?
I was recently asked why I am an entrepreneur. The questions were good-natured but ran along the lines of:
API-First Development and Legos
Focus on how the pieces before you build your end product.
The world of tech, like many industries, is full of jargon. With the exception of “caffeine” whose place of honor is industry-agnostic, all of these pieces of lingo are specific, descriptive, and ever changing. Heard more frequently of late is API-First Development. We like this. We like this a lot. But before we dive deep I wanted to take a second to appreciate what this means to the industry.
If George Lucas Ran Your Dev Team
API First Development is faster, and more intense.
On the set of Star Wars George Lucas was often bemoaned for only saying one thing after each take; “Faster, more intense!” This apparently became quite the joke among the rest of the production crew, so much so that when Lucas lost his voice, the crew gave him a single sign to hold up with just those three words on it.
Why Your Office is Cooler than Mine
A startup workspace should be fun, functional, and above all focused.
It’s common to see some new tech startup featured in the news for their quirky office space. Startup spaces are rife with exposed brick, rickety tables, wires taped to walls, and more inflatable ten-foot tall dinosaurs than you ever thought existed. We see these stories and think about how cool that startup must be or how fun it is to work somewhere with concrete floors so you can skateboard to your next meeting. And yes, while at LivingSocial I was guilty of having conference rooms turned into ball pits or stairways that led to nowhere. But in all fairness, while things can be fun, that isn’t the end goal. The real goal is a work culture that prides itself on productivity.
5 Reasons to Ship Your Side Project Today
It’s good enough. Today’s a nice day. You’re more prepared than you think. Just ship it already.
I didn’t make a single New Year’s resolution. I learned a long time ago that if a calendar date was my motivation for self improvement, I was doomed to fail. Arbitrary motivation is too fragile and ephemeral to keep me moving. Instead, I try to leverage constant motion. Inertia is hard to slow down, and as suggested by some great recent literature you might even be able to turn that inertia into a lifelong habit. That said, I do enjoy the quiet of a holiday as an opportunity to reflect and organize my next moves.
Getting it Right, No Matter What
Owning triage, our death march, and setting a standard for stable product releases.
⋈ BowTie is designed to help developers ship code and deliver market-ready software. As we build the RazorSite platform, we’re shipping a lot of code. We try to ship on a manageable schedule, with careful planning, and thorough testing. But, anyone who has shipped against a deadline knows that as you race to the finish, things don’t always go as planned.
What to expect from from the RazorSite MVP
We’re building a new type of hosting platform. It’s not a finished product until you have the tools you need.
In a few days, we’ll start sending exclusive invitations to join the RazorSite MVP. Some of the feedback we’ve received to date are:
Policy's Square Peg in Startup's Round Hole
There's a mismatch between incentives that entrepreneurs view as valuable versus those often provided by policy makers.
There is no shortage of unsung players in the startup world. Some are there to support and enable the tremendous success of others. Some are unsung because they are working on their own song and are waiting to step onto the entrepreneurship stage. Others are enthusiastic supports and yet others are detractors. Finally some seem to fall in all these buckets due to their size, influence, or lack of focus. With an eye towards that last multi-headed group, I want to dive into the world of political policy and it’s impact on entrepreneurs. It is my contention that policy makers need to more closely examine the needs of startups and provide incentives that are relevant for companies at that stage (i.e. not the incentives commonly offered now).