Hack the Dot is a two-hour hackathon backed by Name.com. The event is a unique mix of hacking, community building, and ridiculous fun.
Participants are asked to show up and ship a project based on a secret domain name revealed the night of the event. The theme at Hack the Dot Portland, hosted by QuickLeft, was ‘hippo.haus’ - which not surprisingly, yielded high energy and hilarious projects.
BowTie has been supporting Hack the Dot by providing early access to BowTie beta, and a special ‘pitch page’ template that’s helped lead more than one team to victory.
If you didn’t join us in Denver, Seattle, or Portland, you can still meet us at Hack the Dot - San Francisco on December 10th. The event is sold out, but you can register for the wait list here. * I’m also fairly certain that if you show up day of, no one will toss you out ;)
Announcing //hack.social
We’re happy to announce that the new event site for Hack the Dot: https://hack.social is built on BowTie. Name.com replaced a self-hosted Wordpress site with a fast Jekyll site hosted on BowTie. Custom event landing pages (like this one) are created by adding a few entries in a data file, allowing the organizers to spend less time building the event pages and more time producing successful events.
To launch your own project on BowTie, sign up.
For more info on working with data files on BowTie read this user guide.